CEDEFOP’s 2016 skills forecast
Why we need to promote the validation/accreditation of prior learning…

Therefore, Higher Education Instiutions are now asked to promote individual, flexible learning pathways order to answer following trends:
a) increasing need for qualifications
b) high replacement demand (not enough young
people will enter the labour market to replace
those leaving)
c) changes in job content and tasks (technologcial change, automatisation)
Read more about the EU sectoral trends for the next decade here: http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/publications-and-resources/publications/8093?NL=60
The VALERU project supports the dissemination and implementation of validation practices in the Russian Federation, but this is also a topic we need to push in the European Union. It still receives little attention, even though there is great potential for answering the issues addressed in the CEDEFOP 2016 skills forecast.