Starting the COMPASS Online Summer School
Didactical Design for courses dedicated to lifelong learning and continuing education: That’s the topic of the COMPASS Online Summer School, starting on the 1st of July 2020.
I am leading workpackage 4 “capacity building” of the Erasmus+ project COMPASS – a project aiming at higher education development in Moldova. One of the project’s aims is to pilot LLL courses in different higher education institutions all over Moldova – and the Online Summer School is the starting point of all piloting activities.
Hard Facts About the Summer School
- Duration: 1st of July – 30th of September
- Number of participants: 80
- Target group: Higher education staff in Moldova
- Mode: Self-paced until 1st of September, individual synchronous communication elements in September
- Learning Management System: Moodle, theme “adaptable”
- Used digital tools: Articulate Rise, Padlet, Miro, Jamboard, Mentimeter, Learning Snacks
- Content creators and curators: Gemma Mas (UB), Marta Viladot (UB) and Isabell Grundschober (DUK). Review partners: Nilay Aral and Stephanie Nestawal (both DUK)
- Technical support: Gregor Pirker

Quality of Course Delivery
To support the quality of the course delivery during piloting from the start, the Summer School is giving information around didactical design, delivery modes and recruitment strategies for LLL courses. Everything starts with a good didactical design based on intended learning outcomes.
Covid19 Won’t Stop Us
Actually, the training was planned in face-to-face mode in Moldova. But Covid19 won’t stop us! Through the Online Summer School, my colleagues from the University of Barcelona and my team from Danube University Krems created a self-paced course. At the end of the course we will provide individual feedback sessions for the authors of the courses, which will be piloted. Let’s see if we’ll be allowed to travel by then. But: No travels, no problem. We are pretty much used now to provide meaningful feedback via web conferencing tools and other digital tools.
Want to Take a Look?
I have recorded a screencast about the Compass Online Summer School for you to check out the structure of the course.
Topics and Activities
I have shared a few aspects of Unit 2 “Your Target Audience” in a recent blogpost. If you want to learn more how the persona approach can be used for didactical design and developing recuritment strategies, read my Blogpost “Writing Personas for Curriculum and Course Design”.

Lessons Learned
I’ll keep you posted about how well the Online Summer School went, strenghts and weaknesses. At latest in September, when we are about to face to end the of the Summer School, I should have collected some lessons learned.
What Do You Think?
What do you think about the presented “Online Summer School” concept? Have you been facing similar difficulties and “work-arounds” during Covid19? Please share your experiences in the comment-section below! 🙂