Continuing Education for Teachers during Covid19
Implementation Results of a Small Private Online Course: The COMPASS Online Summer School, providing continuing education for Moldovan higher education staff during Covid19.

On the 11th of November 2020, I presented results from the #COMPASS_EU Online Summer School at the #TEAVET conference. I provided learner feedback and statistics about learner activities during the online course. In 3 Months, 823 forum posts were generated and we got an overall positive feedback and learners reported about competence development in instructional design for #LLL as well as in applying #edtech.
First we were facing difficulties due to Covid19 – no face to face trainings possible!

Our solution: An Online Summer School

Our Pedagogical Approach: Outcome-Based and Making use of Formative Assessment

Some Positive Feedback by Learners
My presentation at the final #TEAVET Conference
TEAVET is a project dedicted to continuing education of teachers (primary, secondary school) in Albania, so I wanted to share the results of the COMPASS project in Moldova, which has a similar focus, but rather adressing teachers and lecturers in higher education institutions. All in all, 28 people listened to my presentation about the COMPASS Online Summer School and I am quite happy about the number of people who decided to join my presentation at lunch time 🙂