Category: English

Nano-Credentials in MicroHE Workshop at ECTEL 2023 0

The Power of Nano-Credentials for Learning and Employability

In a rapidly evolving world of work, where skills are constantly being redefined, traditional methods of professional development are no longer sufficient. As businesses strive to remain competitive, the need for continuous learning is...

Escape Room Summer School: How Professional Noticing is connected to Escape Rooms Dynamics. 0

Unlocking Professional Noticing through AI-Driven Escape Rooms

When I first presented at the Escape Room Summer School 2024 at the University for Continuing Education, I had a vision: to explore how professional noticing is connected to escape room dynamics. Though we...

VINCE Validation Prize Finalists 0

VINCE Validation Prize Winner: Austria!

Beim Abschlussymposium des VINCE Projekts in Barcelona durfte ich die Gewinnerin des VINCE Validation Prize verkünden: Alexandra Panek, die als Vertreterin des Wiener Beratungsberatungszentrums für Migranten und Migrantinnen die Services der österreichischen Anlaufstellen für...