Category: English

Escape Room Summer School: How Professional Noticing is connected to Escape Rooms Dynamics. 0

Unlocking Professional Noticing through AI-Driven Escape Rooms

When I first presented at the Escape Room Summer School 2024 at the University for Continuing Education, I had a vision: to explore how professional noticing is connected to escape room dynamics. Though we...

VINCE Validation Prize Finalists 0

VINCE Validation Prize Winner: Austria!

Beim Abschlussymposium des VINCE Projekts in Barcelona durfte ich die Gewinnerin des VINCE Validation Prize verkünden: Alexandra Panek, die als Vertreterin des Wiener Beratungsberatungszentrums für Migranten und Migrantinnen die Services der österreichischen Anlaufstellen für...