Sharing tacit knowledge
As I am writing at the moment my paper for PUARL, I am reading a lot about tacit knowledge. I have already read Polanyi (“The Tacit Dimension” and parts of “Personal Knowledge”) but I...
Exploring AI and the Future of Education
As I am writing at the moment my paper for PUARL, I am reading a lot about tacit knowledge. I have already read Polanyi (“The Tacit Dimension” and parts of “Personal Knowledge”) but I...
Das NQR-Bundesgesetz wurde Anfang 2016 erlassen… Da Bundesgesetz über den Nationalen Qualifikationsrahmen (NQR) trat nach mehrjähriger Vorbereitungszeit am 15.3.2016 in Kraft. Der österreichische NQR entspricht dem Europäischen Qualifikationsrahmen (EQR – Auf englisch ist die...
The European Inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning (2014) stated following conclusion: “It is also possible to identify continuing challenges for European validation systems. On the ground, progress has often been slower than...
“The Implementation of Inclusive, Equity, and Quality Education through Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) Collaboration: A Case Study of the Valeru Project” was accepted at 18th UNESCO-APEID International Conference ( Helmy Syakh Alam and I submitted the abstract and want...
Michael Polanyi coined the term “tacit knowledge” and described its aspects. I took all references from “The Tacit Dimension” (2009). I created a chart about the four aspects: How Polanyi understands the fours aspects...
In 2012 The Council of the European Union issued recommendations regarding the validation of the validation of non-formal and informal learning (NIL).
I submitted the abstract “A pattern language for tacit knowledge. Supporting LLL through pattern mining” for the PUARL Conference 2016 and I am happy to announce that it was accepted! Information about the conference The...
Why we need to promote the validation/accreditation of prior learning… Cedefop’s 2016 skills forecast for the EU states the following: “As the labour market of the future will offer fewer opportunities to those with low-level...
Peter Baumgartner and I held a workshop “Is tacit knowledge communicable” at the Conference “Education is Relation not Output? – Scenes of Knowledge and Knowledge Acquisition”, from 17th-19th of May 2016 at Linnaeus University in...