Category: VNIL


Development of VNIL procedures in the EU

The European Inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning (2014) stated following conclusion: “It is also possible to identify continuing challenges for European validation systems. On the ground, progress has often been slower than...

UNESCO APEID Conference 2016 0

Abstract Accepted @UNESCO-APEID Conference

“The Implementation of Inclusive, Equity, and Quality Education through Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) Collaboration: A Case Study of the Valeru Project” was accepted at 18th UNESCO-APEID International Conference ( Helmy Syakh Alam and I submitted the abstract and want...


Abstract Accepted @PUARL

I submitted the abstract “A pattern language for tacit knowledge. Supporting LLL through pattern mining” for the PUARL Conference 2016 and I am happy to announce that it was accepted! Information about the conference The...


CEDEFOP’s 2016 skills forecast

Why we need to promote the validation/accreditation of prior learning… Cedefop’s 2016 skills forecast for the EU states the following: “As the labour market of the future will offer fewer opportunities to those with low-level...