LLL Services for Students at Danube University Krems
What are we doing to support lifelong learning on university-level? I have created a list of lifelong learning services, which we are currently providing at Danube University Krems.
Exploring AI and the Future of Education
What are we doing to support lifelong learning on university-level? I have created a list of lifelong learning services, which we are currently providing at Danube University Krems.
COMPASS is a capacity building project for the field of higher education, funded by the European Union (Key Action 2 – cooperation for innovation an the exchange of good practices).
Am 2. Oktober habe ich meine erste eLecture an der virtuellen PH gehalten, zum Thema ePortfolio in der (Hoch)-Schule. Hier sind meine Folien zum Einsehen: Das ePortfolio in der Hochschule Die eLecture zum Thema ePortfolio...