Academic writing, papers and presentations

This is a list of all my publications, conference papers and presentation I held since I started to work at Danube University Krems.



Grundschober, I., & Baumgartner, P. (2018). Is Tacit Knowledge Communicable? In Learning Scenarios for Social and Cultural Change : «Bildung» through Academic Teaching (pp. 45–57). London, New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

Grundschober, I., Baumgartner, P., Gruber-Mücke, T., & Ghoneim, A. (2018). A Pattern Language Remix for ATS2020. Using Existing Pedagogical Patterns to Create a New Language for Formative Assessment within the ATS2020 Learning Model. In R. Sickinger, P. Baumgartner, & T. Gruber-Mücke (Hrsg.), Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change. A comprehensive perspective of current pattern research and practice (S. 288–317). Krems: tredition.

Workshops & Presentations

ApprEnt Workshop: MentorInnen-Training für das (duale) Studium, at Danube-University Krems on 12th of December 2018, Blogpost about the workshop

VINCE Workshop: Förderung des Hochschulzugangs für Geflüchtete und MigrantInnen, at Danube-University Krems on 20th of November 2018. IMB-News about the workshop, Blogpost und information on VINCE-platform.

Poster-Session. Grundschober, I, Fallmann, I., Geyer-Hayden, B. (2018): Informell und formal Lernen in CoPs. Graz: FH Joanneum, 17. eLearning Tag on September 13 2018. Conference programme and Blogpost.

Webinar. “Duales Studium in Österreich” with Robert Frasch for the EU-Project ApprEnt on June 18th 2018. Blogpost and Recording on Youtube available.

ApprEnt – Refining Higher Education Apprenticeships with Enterprises in Europe. Using the ePortfolio Approach to Support Collaboration and Learning“, workshop at the 3rd International Congress on Vocational and Professional Education and Training VPET18 – 8th of June 2018

eLecture “Dual studieren – digital. Theorie und Praxis verbinden durch digitale Werkzeuge” during DigiPH Online Conference on 23rd of April 2018.

Presentation “Formatives Feedback im Unterricht – Pädagogische Mustern nutzen” at Edudays 2018 at Danube University Krems, 4th of April 2018.

Presentation “VINCE – Validation for Inclusion of New Citizens of Europe” at inHERE ErasmusPlus staff training week “Integration of Refugees: the Role of Higher Education” at Sapziena University, 19th of April

Presentation about VINCE project and good practice examples “Validierung von früherem Lernen: 2 Good Practice Beispiele” at Bologna Tag 2018 at FH Burgendland, Eisenstadt – 22nd of March 2018

Poster-presentation A Pattern Collection for Formative Feedback and Assessment at the ATS2020 final conference in Brussels, 2nd of February 2018


Module “Bildungstechnologie und Didaktik” (Educational Technology and Didactics) for the short cycle university programme “Digital Publishing in Education”. Together with Andrea Ghoneim, I was responsible for the course design, implementation and assessment. The module design based on blended learning and the module started on the 5th of September and ended on the 29th of November. The Module comprised 3ECTS. “Digital Publishin in Education” is part of the SeLe-project, a nationally funded project for further education of school book publishers.



21st of June, 2017 at the conference “IMAGINE17 – die Konferenz für die IKT-Community Österreichs Presentation”, presentation title: “Lernen und Lehren im 21. Jahrhundert. Förderung von fächerübergreifenden Fähigkeiten am Beispiel von ATS2020

Grundschober, I. und Rauter, W. (2017): “COP Workshop: How to Choose Digital Tools” beim COP on Learning Methodologies and Technologies for a Better Trade Union Education, 20.9.2017, AK Bildungszentrum Wien. Folien:

Ghoneim, A. und Grundschober, I., Gruber-Mücke, T. (2017): Lernziele mitbestimmen, dokumentieren und Zielerreichung evaluierungen. E-Portfolio-Arbeit im Projekt ATS2020. bei den EduDays am 6.4.2017, Krems. Folien hier:

Grundschober, I., Ghoneim, A., Gruber-Mücke, T., Baumgartner, P. (2017): A Pattern Language Remix for ATS2020. Using Existing Pedagogical Patterns to Create a New Language for Formative Assessment within the ATS2020 Learning Model, 19.10.2017, PURPLSOC Conference at Danube University Krems. Slides and reflection in my Blogpost.


Ghoneim, Andrea; Gruber-Mücke, Tina; Grundschober, Isabell (2017). Lernziele mitbestimmen, dokumentieren und die Zielerreichung evaluieren. E-Portfolio-Arbeit im Projekt ATS2020 (Assessment of Transversal Skills). Grünberger, Nina; Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus; Szucsich, Petra; Brandhofer, Gerhard; Huditz, Edmund; Steiner, Michael (Hrsg.) (2017). Schule neu denken und medial gestalten. S. 282-298. Glückstadt: vwh-Verlag. Download here:



Alam, H. S., & Grundschober, I. (2016). The Implementation of Inclusive, Equity, and Quality Education through Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) Collaboration: A Case Study of the Valeru Project. 19th UNESCO-APEID International Conference 2016: In Pursuit of Quality Education: The Past, Present and Future. (26-28 Oct 2016) Retrieved November 3, 2016 from

  •  Submitted for 19th UNESCO-APEID International Conference 2016: In Pursuit of Quality Education: The Past, Present and Future. (26-28 Oct 2016) – presented by Helmy in Bangkok.

Grundschober, I., Baumgartner, P., Gruber-Mücke, T., & Sickinger, R. (2016). A Pattern Language for Tacit Knowledge. Retrieved November 3, 2016, from 

Baumgartner, P., Gruber-Mücke, T., Grundschober, I., Sickinger, R. und Bergner, I. (2016). Pattern for feedback-oriented learning in technology supported environments. Retrieved November 3, 2016, from

Gruber-Mücke, T., Baumgartner, P., Grundschober, I., Sickinger, R. (2016). Pattern Design for Educational Live Active Role Playing. Retrieved November 3, 2016, from

Sickinger, R. Baumgartner, P., Gruber-Mücke, T., Grundschober, I., (2016). Building Coherence. An analysis of the quality of coherence created by the pattern language process. Retrieved November 3, 2016, from


Grundschober, I., Baumgartner, P., Gruber-Mücke, T., & Sickinger, R. (2016). A Pattern Language for Tacit Knowledge. Retrieved November 3, 2016, from

  • Presented at PUARL 2016: The Regenerative City, 29th of October 2016, San Francisco, via web-conferencing  tool, Vortragsart: Paper-presentation. Slides

Ghoneim, A., Grundschober, I. (2016): Muster von Bewertung, Evaluierung und Feedback in lernerInnenzentrierten Lernräumen am Beispiel der E-Portfolio-Nutzung für das Projekt ATS2020. At: eLearning Experts Conference 2016 (Oct 19-20, 2016), Eisenstadt – Vortragsart: Pecha-Kucha

Baumgartner,P., Grundschober, I. (2016): Is tacit knowledge communicable? At: Education is Relation not Output? Scenes of Knowledge and Knowledge Acquisition. 17th-19th of May 2016, Växjö, Linnaeus University. Vortragsart: Presentation of working-paper

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